Our little munchkin

There he/she is. Twelve weeks and two days, perfectly healthy and content. Our first ever ultrasound. It was quite an experience! First off, they make you drink a pint of water, one hour before your appointment. So there I am, downing a litre and a half. It makes you need to pee for the entire time that you're waiting. When you do eventually get seen, you are pretty much rushed in and out. However, for those five minutes that you spend watching the screen, the whole world stands still, and there it is. Tiny hands and feet, distinguishable body, the most beautiful thing in the world. It puts everything into perspective, and I was in need of some perspective.
Morning sickness is like an unwanted plague that comes back every time you think you've gotten rid of it. They say it should pass by twelve weeks. Unlikely story, I am now twelve weeks and four days, and becoming increasingly paranoid about my throwing up. Today, twice. I haven't managed to keep anything down at all. Nightmare.
It's the worry that keeps you down. Panic, panic. Especially since it's our first, it makes you feel jumpy and nervous. I just can't wait until we're seven months down the line, and christmas is coming around. The baby will be here and all will be gravy. Until then, it's gonna be me, Aaron, and a whole loada buckets and toilets!


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