
Possibly the worst thing about being pregnant is the nausea. As of yet, there has been no physical throwing up, but we're only five weeks in, and I'm guessing the worst is yet to come. Its not so much a constant feeling, it comes in waves. Unfortunately, my stomach has become a stormy ocean, after working in the kitchen tonight. My heightened sense of smell means I can literally smell the eggs, fish, batter and other kind of nasties, even from the safety of the potwash. Normally I would just get on with it, but my loving fiancee Aaron, who had popped in to check on me, was having none of it. He was 'putting his foot down'. It really shows that someone cares when they bother to give your workmates their marching orders! So instead, I had a relaxing table and chair clean. Not bad for over £6 an hour.
In future I will learn to steer clear of bad smelling substances such as Winter Vegetable Soup, which sounds wonderful, but smells like feet. Bump felt that this was not a winner.
i have also decided what the best things about pregnancy are. So far, it is the relaxing and the love. Aaron will not let me lift a finger, much to my dismay (not). People who have had babies, or are expecting, or even just old friends, message to send their love and support, advice and congratulations. It really is an extraordinary time in your life.
I'm soaking up every moment.


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