
That was definitely the question. Finding out you're going to be a mother at 18 is a HUGE step in an unfamiliar direction. But there I was.
It actually came to light at work. As you might expect, working in an overheated kitchen is bound to leave you feeling nauseous and maybe a little on the headachey side. But this was different. This was light headed, can't concentrate, stomach churning 'yuckiness'. The thought has crossed my mind, but after making a massive decision with my beautiful fiancee Aaron, not to sleep together again until we were married, in order to follow the Christian faith, the irony would be to big.
God and my belly had other plans. My super boss Carolyn was the first to mention that I might be 'up the duff' as it were. After much pleading from me, she ran off to the shop floor to get me a test. Ten to twenty minutes later there I was. In the staff toilets at work , peeing on a stick. Classy.
Tests can be misleading. It tells you to lay the test flat and wait for the result for five minutes. After five minutes, the test was inconclusive. No result. Nada. So i left the test in the box, and Tesha (My super work pal) and I, went back to work. Returning upstairs after a long day, I anxiously had another peek at the test. Positive. That little blue cross was unmistakable. I was pregnant.
Its difficult to say what goes through your head at that moment. How will I tell my man, my parents, my family, his family? How will they react? Aaron, as always, was an angel. He was the supportive superman that he always is. Family reaction were mixed. Some were shocked, some excited, some didn't have a clue what to say. I'm guessing that eventually it will sink in and all will be fine.
After a further test, a doctors green light and a prescription for folic acid, it finally set in. I was going to be a mum, in less than nine months. Bring on the birthing hips.


  1. You write so beautifully, Beth. You ever thought of being a novelist.

    When I found out my brothers' fiancé was pregnant at 17, I didn't react very wells I thought it was stupidly young. I regret that very much now because I wish I'd been more supportive from the start. They've now been 5 years married and have 2 gorgeous kids who I love so much. They're amazing parents and you and Aaron will be too. Just stay strong and support each other and love each other.

    Good luck,
    Shelly xxx

  2. Thankyou for the lovely comment Shelly. :). We will do our best to be strong, Aaron's really supportive and I think this is going to be great.


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