
I'm only, (according to predicitions) seven weeks pregnant, and already I am piling on the weight. My clothes are shrinking daily and for the most part, I am looking a little bedraggled. I feel a little retail therapy is in order, if only I could magic myself a new bank balance!
For now I will stick with looking frumpy and a little uncomfortable. Aaron is always reassuring but he has to say nice things, otherwise I will throw a tantrum!
I'm looking forward to a haircut (fingers crossed). I used to be the kind of girl who had her hair chopped every five weeks without fail and it was neat and pristine. Not so much anymore. I haven't had it done in six MONTHS. Literally, my dead ends are screaming out for attention.
Apart from that, everything is pretty much the same. We went through a whole load of baby clothes people have given us last night! They're so small! It's odd to think that we all used to be that size, and the fragility of babies frightens me! But prehaps more scary is the prospect of breastfeeding said baby.
The BBC are running 'Baby Season'., programmes based on parenthood and 'Bringing up Britain'. So Aaron and I decided to watch, 'Is Breast really best?' BAD IDEA. Some of the women were struggling so much with feeding their babies, it looked ridiculously painful. The presenter, Cherry Healey, who I have a massive amount of respect for, after watching her final stages of pregnancy last year on telly, seemed to have gotten the worst of it. She contracted mastitis which is an infection in your breast, and it sounded agonising. So it got me thinking whether breast feeding is going to be difficult for me. I do not like the sound of cracked and sore nipples, I do not look forward to being sucked on in any way BUT the benefits for your baby are so vast that I'm guessing it will be worth it. I'll tell you in seven months whether my Boobs have passed the test.


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