Out & About

Being pregnant has not stopped me from doing some epic exercise! Yesterday we cycled from here to Dovestones Reservoir, climbed up and down a mountain and cycled home again! My shoulders are burnt, my feet are tanned and I am aching from head to foot. WORTH IT.
It got me to thinking, how much can you do when you're pregnant, without affecting the baby.
I stumbled across an NHS lists of things you should and shouldn't be doing when pregnant.
'DO avoid any activity where there is a risk of falling over.'
'DON'T do any strenuous exercise in hot weather'
'When walking, try to stay on level ground'
I think I may have broken a few rules. Luckily, baby is still thumping away safe in my belly. So all seems fine. We had another doctors appointment day before yesterday. It was ridiculous. Basically, they told me everything I already knew, what to eat, what not to eat, what to be taking (i.e. folic acid), and then they made me do a pregnancy test. It was the fourth test I'd taken. How certain must they be? Apparently, they need to have it on record that I'm pregnant, so off I went to pee in a cup, only to be then told it takes them a week to process pee. I'd be better off running to the shop, getting a normal, pee on a stick pregnancy test, and proving it to them that way. Muggins.
So far, I'm really enjoying being home. Aaron and I have filled up our days with seeing friends, exercising possibly a little too much, and just generally enjoying our families and surroundings. One thing that does cross my mind is our lack of jobs. Within five days of being home we'd both gotten ourselves job interviews. Aaron's is next week, and I've had mine, waiting to see if they offer me a formal interview. After having a job for two and a half years, changing to doing nothing makes everyday feel like a weekend. For the most part, its extremely enjoyable, but then there is the worry that the job opportunities will never arise. Often feels like Aaron is going to be supporting us, which for me is a big no no. I like to share responsibility with him. We're a team at the end of the day. But if that does become the case, I'm going to the best house wifey ever. Tea on the table when you get home, anyone?


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