
Possibly one of the most endearing qualities to have is generosity. I count myself lucky to know a fair amount of people who possess it. I'm moving back home to Manchester in two weeks, and in with my fiancee's mum and her spouse Gary. These two people have shown me a lot of love over the past eleven months, and are welcoming me into their home with open arms.
My parents and the church they attend are already gathering things together for the baby, and a pram, a cot, baby clothes and toys, are piling up at my parents house.
Today at work, I recieved a wonderful present from my colleagues and my lovely boss. It's basically a baby starter kit, and has all sorts in it to get me going when the baby arrives. It is this kind of generosity that makes me melt inside.
I hope that one day I can return the favour to these people, but also that I will be able to pass on the valuable lesson that they have taught me.
As Winston Churchill once said,
'We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give'.


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