
Aaron has been spending a lot of time listening to my tummy! We've made the oddest discovery that by pressing your ear to my belly button, you can here the baby's heartbeat. It's really loud and Caron (My second mum, Brom's real mum) has nicknamed it Thumper. It's nice to feel the baby is healthy and doing well since we haven't had a formal doctors meeting yet.
Miraculously, I'm already showing quite a bit. Its the kind of showing that manages to make me look chubby and not pregnant. Oh the joys. People are nothing but nice though, which makes it all better
I'm growing increasingly tired but still no throwing up as of yet! My mum informs me that she never experienced morning sickness, and she's had four , so I'm winning so far. However, the baby's already informing me of everything he or she doesn't like. So far it hates onion's with a vengence. I'm convinced it won't eat any when it arrives so there goes a lot of the basic foods that I love!
I'd stop eating anything for it though, motherly love is already setting in.


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