Job Hunting

Hello I'm Beth, I have two and a half years experience, fully trained to operate a till and a fully trained cook and I'm seven weeks pregnant. Hire me? No? Didn't think so either.
Finding a job when you're pregnant is extremely difficult. It makes every other qualification you have seem so insignificant. The fact that I work hard, and would give it 100%, it means nothing.
So on Friday, I'm off to the Job Center to sign on, for the first time ever. I have 12 GCSEs, three full A Levels, A*AB, and three AS levels , and I am going on the dole. This is not a winning situation for me or the Government, but Companies are so reluctant to take on Pregnant Women that this looks like the only option.
The problem is quite obvious, money. By taking on a woman who is pregnant, companies are setting themselves up for paying Statutory Maternity Pay, basically paying a woman to be on maternity leave. It's understandable.
So, I'm applying for as many jobs as possible, and hoping for the best. I really want the baby to have the best start in life, and saving up as much as possible seems to be the way to go! Aaron's managed to bag himself a job interview, and it's only been five days.
Jealousy is an ugly dress to wear.


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